This weeks Illustration Friday topic, "tango" involves gracefully intertwining legs, so I thought it would be fun to do an octopus couple doing this dance.I started out with just the two characters but I was having so much fun, I decided to add a small fish orchestra in the background. With sixteen limbs involved, this tango could end up a tangle...
I really love the creatures you chose and the addition of the band is wonderful. The octopus's expression cracks me up.
Great illustration!
Another beautiful illustration! :D
Great idea, wonderfully executed - the bubbles are the icing on the cake!
super cool
Woow! This is an aquatic tango super cute.
Love your style, you’re a great artist!
A triumph! You're a brave man to tackle all those limbs, but you've carried it off perfectly. The way the female octopus has her limbs entwined gets so much grace and character into the pose. Love that fish band too! Excellent piece!!!
Michael, I'm always unpationed to see your new paintings! great, great!
great colors,style and characters!
I dig the colors and the vibe, also the octopi.
this is fantastic, love their expressions!
Totally charming. That orchestra is a witty addition.
I love it!!
Incredible illustrations! This one is wonderful.
Dear Michael, I recently met your blog, where I enjoy the pictures as a child and I can not stop smiling, your characters are charming and some very funny, a hug from this far country chile, paty
What a beatuiful work... very good the idea of using a couple of octopouses to make them dance. The sensual atmosphere is very good too!
Not only do you draw well and fun your writing is fun too. When are you making a graphic novel with your characters?
awesome! i can hear the bubbly music.
Wow, this is exceptional. I am in awe of your abilities to compose a rectangular space. The expressions are terrific. Eat your heart out, Spongeboob.
I think this is Spot On! Great Job! I enjoy seeing your new stuff. Pure inspiration. Thanks!
Amazing. I am really impressed! :D
Michael, Great Illustration! I'm happy you decided to add the characters in the BG. It gives the whole illustration more of an atmosphere and enhances the mood of the piece. Nice touch with the starfish on the lady Octopus.
ja, ja, ja!!!!!
Oh my, where to begin?
Great idea first of all. I just love the expression on the male octopus, you absolutely nailed it. He certainly does look smooth...I'm sure he's quite a lady's man.
The colour is just beautiful in this piece, and the spotlight is a great touch. The fish orchestra really gives a sense of place to this scene...and the guitar playin', cigar chompin', fedora wearin' fish is priceless.
You sir, have an abundance of talent. Everything you post on here just blows me away.
Oh, one last thing...
"This tango could end up a tangle..."
That's Awesome! Yahoooo!
Oh, but I can tell you were having so much fun doing this piece. It really come through too!!! I mean this in the most honorable way, "I CAN"T STAND YOU!" Seriously, how do you do that???? The color, the mood, the tango, the expression!!!! Everything is dead on for sure! This is what we call, "Excellence" and not to many people have it. This is super cool and awesome. The whole mood is just delicious Dude!!!!! Honesty, not trying to measure myself or anything of the sort, You are clearly a master at what you do sir and it shows. I can hear the band in the background, like in one of those Flintstone cartoons hee he hee hee! Amazing my friend. Simply amazing! Have a great weekend.
I bow before your greatness hee hee hee hee! No really I do! Awesome!
so suave. you've created a wonderful mood with this one. funny + graceful. when can we expect 80's techno nite on the dance floor?
What are Friday illustration topics? Also, I am impressed by the following you have. You're like an illustrator rock star.
Mate, this is superb! Lots of great little details and expressions that reward closer inspections. Great job.
Wow! Great character design, not to mention everything else. I'll be watching. I'd love to hear what you think of mine.
I really liked this!!!!!
your works are wonderful!!!
Brilliant piece!! It's just wonderful. I love the colors, story.. excellent.
OH MYYYYY !!! rsrsrsrs
hello Michael are you ok ??!!
PERFECT ilustration colors fantastics and the character disgn are so beautiful !! I love your your work !!! Congratulations
and thanks for the coments!!
sorry my english rrsrsrs
man! you've got so much life in your characters. i love this idea, particularly the john lee hooker-esque guitarist. great job.
hey man, MUUUUUUUUITO BOM!!! hehehehehe
I really love this, was incredible! =D
I'm late commenting on this, but I had to say the band is totally cool. Great composition and colors. Really great!
Edrian | Visit my blog
Hi Michael,
i'm looking for books you've done. Could you give me a title.
this illustration is beutiful, i really would like to ask you some advice for my projects...could i?
This image is a number one!!!
this is awesome, I'm inspire already
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