Since my last couple of posts have been kind of dark, involving a devil and a murderous mouse, I decided to lighten things up a bit this time. In these two illustrations, I attempted to capture the feeling of a vintage Little Golden Book that's been stashed away in some attic for thirty or forty years. I used muted colors and old yellowed paper to make them look appropriately aged. I haven't written a story to go with them yet, but I do have an idea rolling around my head. It's about a bunch of woodland animals that get together to welcome the fall season by throwing a big feast. Unfortunately, the bear realizes he has to last all winter with no food and decides to devour all the other animals as well...sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Funny yet tragic story :) I love little golden books, you did a wonderful job capturing the feeling those illustrations have!
Cheers! :)
Wonderful characters and a really amusing story. Although it's hard to imagine cute Benjamin suddenly devouring all other animals.
Your works always amaze me. It's like you can just illustrate anything that comes to mind. That must be nice. I'm just stuck with abstract and sculptures. Don't ask me to do anything realistic.
As always, your art is GREAT!
Awesome idea! these really look vintage and modern at the same time. you should finish the book!
michael! these are superb. I love golden books with their little gold spine. really great color palette and vignette-ing of the image. too bad the bear goes bad. can't he be a vegetarian? I still like him either way...
Oh thanks, I really like your illustrations!
great retro mood! i just love the bear's sweater :)
Oh wow! Great job mimicking the 1950's Golden Books look! Actually, seems a bit like a mash-up of Richard Scarry and Hanna-Barbera Studios! Extremely well done!
Beautiful work!
These are a lovely pair...the bear looks so sweet, I am shocked...
Never invite a hungry bear to the party.... or at least have a lot of extra hors d'oeuvres on hand!!
These are great! The do look like they were pulled from a vintage Golden Book!
excellent work! they do have a vintage, golden book look to them!
Can´t fight nature, a bear needs food.
Love your illustrations!!
Hey Michael, before I even read your text, I thought to myself... how did I miss this Little Golden Book my whole life. You have definitely captured the feel! I love Fionas eye liner too.
It's the nature of the beast man!! That's what these guy do. And if you see one in the woods he ain't gonna be the one that's found in Golden Book, but more like , When Animals Attack!" he he he!!! I love all your stuff. You make this 46 year giggle like she was 6 again watching Buggs Bunny! I love how you really aged these babies and made them feel like you just pulled them out of a trunk to share with us. It's AWESOME! You have got to tell me how you do this! It's really beautiful stuff. YOU ROCK, but you already knew this? he he he he! Have a swell week.
What a wonderful illustration!
These illustrations are PERFECT! Love the characters. So nostalgic looking!
beautiful pieces!
Very very awesome! I love them!
wooow! Glad I stumble on your blog, gotta bookmark this, very nice style :)
Beautiful style and colors...!
Kids will love this book...!!
absolutely beautiful!! I like so much this vintage style! ♥
Stunning designs. Your each character tempts me to animate them! Nice and Simple!
waouu!! That's amazing! Great design!
Great! looking forward to more.
You've nailed it! Well and truely. Great work.
You captured the look extremely well. but also added your personal style. Super, amazing work. Thanks for the compliment on my abstract log piece.
These are great! You've really captured the vintage look! Well done!
Edrian | view my blog
Beautiful characters. You could do a very nice children´s book with this style. It seems really old.
freaking awesome!
These are incredible Michael. You absolutely nailed the look you were going after (vintage Little Golden Books).
I think the story is freaking hilarious by the way. The book would start out all fluffy and friendly, but then everything would take a very dark turn and end in a very non-Little Golden Book manner. Love it.
These are so cool. I love the design and the color choices. Very Golden Books:)
Michael, I love the whole idea that you made the colors muted and the paper aged...Not to mention the Shaping and Character designs being so well put together. Awesome Stuff!
what!!! he he great characters, love the bear
I love Fiona and Benjamin. Great designs!!
great designs, friend... :)))
I believed you when you said this wasn't dark!!! Then it ended up being really dark!! LOL! Great stuff!
This is amazing. Boy, do I miss having the internet at home. Your stuff rocks! I know about not being able to help yourself. I have the scenario of goldilocks and the three bears that is a little warped. You've inspired me to start working on it right away, he he he!
Have a great afternoon.
I love it!! I especially like the fox one, I've just posted a fox illustration on my blog as it happens, but I like yours more than mine:)I love your style here- does look very retro which is great!
yeahhh the texture and your work rules! i love it! :D jeje greetings! nice work!
Hey, fellow Cleveland-er. First time caller here... great blog and work!
OMG these are wonderful!!! What an amazing blog you have here. :o)
Thank you sir. Again dude very cool work;)
Thanks for the nice compliments on my blog. I see you have no shortage of fans and it is no surprise. Your work really stands out and reads so well thanks to your skilled hand and smart design.
Really outstanding work. I'm loving the devil (prev post) as well.
Oh these are so great! Totally nostalgic and yet modern at the same time, with wonderful character. Super stuff. I love seeing your work!
These are lovely, a very authentic vintage style! Love the autumnal feel.
Hi Michael!!!!
I liked it
great textures and colors!!!
those are very good!!!
What super illustrations - you caught the feel and it took me back to my childhood!
That Benjamin is a CUTEY!! He can come on over to my place with that wheelbarrow full of apples and pumpkins! I love this time of year! Great illos! I love the speckled background. And patterns on his fur. Nicely done.
Sorry, the above post is mine, was logged into the wrong account.
now, how can i look at that smiling bear knowing what going through his head. what an imagination! brilliant illustrations.
Yes!!! I love this illustrations so much! I was a children's librarian for many years and these are right out of a book!
I looked at these and IMMEDIATELY thought Golden Books! Well done Michael!
Hello fellow Ohioan!
I love these! My favorite is the foxy fox! You captured the vintage look beautifully!
I also really love your 'Idle', 'Tango', and 'Diablo'. Great blog. :)
Hey ahel! thanks for stopping by the blog!! your work is fantastic!! you are really talented.
It look as though you ripped them out of a Little Golden Book. The vintage style is wonderful and the yellowed paper really adds so much.
Your blog is truly inspirational. I really like your style. Thanks for looking at my blog
these are adorably adorable!
And you have totally captured the Golden Books feeling.
I can't tell you how much I love your twisted humor - it's all fantastic.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for visiting me and for leaving a comment in my blog.
I really like your work and I think you have an amazing style. Very original and fresh!
I'm going to add you to my links list. I hope that's O.K. with you!
Francisco Martins
These are wonderful!
You've succeeded admirably in capturing the treasured little Golden Book feel... don't apologise for the bears actions, THAT"S a story I'd love the read (doesn't paint me in a good light then :) Magical work!
i really love your work (sorry fo my english)
Hi Michael, many thanks for you comment. Love your art, great creations!!
Nice to come around here ^^
Fantastic! I love your style and the "darker" posts are great too, but these two are truely amazing!
I really love the artwork you have.I am working my way into the animation buisness. I was wondering if you can check out my blog when you have a chance and comment on my work.
Wow, these are perfection!
Hi michael !! your recently posts, are very very very beautiful, Im fan for your jobs heheheheh !!! sorry not talk more but Im not speak english very well rsrsrsrrss !!
Really I like your illustrations
un saludo!
Thanks a lot for your comment on my blog, I'm very flattered :)
I just discovered your blog, and I'm in love with your work *.*
(sorry, I don't speak englise very well...)
Woh !
Great job Michael, I love you're real vintage style. Awesome !
maravilha!! um belo trabalho!
thanks everyone-glad you liked 'em!
one more - great, witty work Michael!
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