As she took her final sweep down the runway, Sally couldn't help think about her late mother, who entered her in her very first first pageant when she was just a young germ. No stranger to the cutthroat pageant world, Sally felt confident that she had a shot at the title this time. She came so close to the crown last time...if only they hadn't asked her to state her views on germ warfare.
Kind of like a Cootie Toddlers & Tiaras.
thanks for your comment on my blog.. great work you have done nicee :D
hahaha this is excellent! I especially like your little story to go along with the illustration!
Fantastic illustration!!! I looks like a really hard pageant to judge, they all look incredible! ;)
Wow, this is really funny and creative! I enjoyed it! Great work!:D
Ahahah Michael, it's fantastic! Miss Sally is wonderful and very fascinating! Great illustration! Hugs
hahahaha...Michael you're a genius. I love your artwork, not just your style (in shape and color are wonderful) but the great ideas you have.
OOOOh Shoot! This is Cootie-licious! he he he! Man you and are soooo on the same page it's scary he he he! This is HILARIOUS!!!! Oh I'm crying over here!!! When I saw the little banner I screamed and then fell over with hysterical laughter!!! Oh this is rich let me tell you! Oh for crying in the beer cheese soup hilarious! I love it! I'll take 10 please! You are so freakin' talented it's CRAZY and We get the sheer joy of seeing your fabulous work from week to week to makes us cry with laughter and stare in complete awe! God had given you such wonderful and awesome gift to share with the world!!!! Keep it coming cause this is so darn HOT!!!! On now I need an new diaper and some tissue cause I'm a total mess. This is stay etched in my mind all week! HA HA HA HA HA HA HAA!!!
BTW I was voted Ms. Bacteria a few years ago ! He he he he!!!! I'm please to say I only have a few cooties now he he he! Thanks for making my day Dude!
Haha...i enjoyed this one! Nice warm colours, and lots of fun faces to look at! :) Very very nicely done mr!
Way fun- should be an animated short!
I agree with the animated short comment. the names are great...I sure hope you were laughing outloud while doing this one. how could you not. sally manella is the BEST. you didn't miss a beat on any part of this illo...this seems to be a new color palette for you, yes?
Fantastic. This is one of my favorites. How many time did it take you? Great work.
Great as usual Mike! ;)
Wonderful illo. She may have a shot at winning. But, I didn't think germs liked shots. Anyway, she shouldn't be too confident, I hear Miss Petri is a dish.
Great fun...what a wonderful collection of beauties.
Hillarious idea! Just love it, the characters are wonderful, I dont know how you do it :)
Michael, Very Nice! Great color and story in this piece.
Simply awesome. Amazing colors, designs & fun not to mention a GREAT idea.
héhéhé nice story 'n design!
oh man.. this is great michael! my favorite one yet.
I love the characters and everything about it! You are just incredibly talented! wow!
edrian |view my blog
haha. very funny, good stuff!
bahahahaha! brilliant!
Esta ilustración es muy buena y simpática, greetings paty
Miss Sally Manella...oh man, that's freakin' hilarious!
I just love this piece (I think I say that every time you post something new). The characters are so much fun, and there's so much detail to enjoy.
Outstanding Michael.
Love this! Awesome work...how great your type is, too! Very fun piece...look at all of that graphic detail work. Awesome.
the composition is so good! This makes me smile just looking at it. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on your blog for future entries.
beautiful piece! I love all the nice original characters and the atmosphere!
Very Cool Party!!!!
Wow this one came out awesome! I love the paradox behind this one. Brilliant commentary on our idiotic social conditioning. (Sally Manella hehe) what a line up.
This is so CRAZY FUNNY! I just love this pageant. It's just so darned chic and all. HAHAHAHA.
You are a fabulous artist. No joke, you are truly the BOMB. I'm sitll laughing about the serial killer mouse.
Have a wonderfully creative evinging.
this is totally fun and totally hilarious, she is a winner for sure, she is so beautiful, they all are.
Fantastic piece.
faannnnnnnntasttic! and doesn't that polka-dot half-a-bikini look PERFECT on her! :)) a great one, michael! so much juicy detail to and discover! love the balance of audience and contestant. "))
Nice characters! Cool cooties!
Fantastic character designs and great color. I love this illustration!
Incredible on so many levels :)
I love your work, awesome!!!
Un abrazo desde Quito!
This is so wonderful!!! lovely work :) I love the germ with 7 eyes!!! :))
What fun germ party! They're all so lovely!
*ROFL* I saw this the other day and wasn't logged in to comment. Very funny and witty! Some gorgeous looking germs too...which makes me wonder if they have Miss photogenic, Miss glowing skin, Miss swimsuit rounds as well in this pageant :)
although they look really lovely - i hope they aren't dancing in my kitchen he he... I couldn't decided which one is my fav. maybe that lady with black long hair in the bg. awesome work!
this is germ sense all around! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this piece. It's too rich to look at it just once. Each of them is a world in itself. Great one! I don't know if I'm following your blog, but if I'm not, shame on me! ;o)
Wonderful germs!! I enjoy all of them!
Hi, your work are very funny and fantastic :D
Ps= thanks for your comment on my blog :) :)
I love your work, awesome!! :DD
This is so cute, Love the pict.
HI-larious!! always love your creatures. excellent work, michael.
gonna have to agree with scott on this one, it needs a short story or animation to go with it.
Love the creature monsters!! So much fun!!
nice style. love it.
oh wow ! I love this one !
Hahaha1 this is hylarious!! Awesome one Michael!
love your cooties...hmm that didn't read right! But really I do...I would like to do a monster for my blog in this style..
muchas gracias por su visita, su trabajo como siempre es espectacular.
Been off the blog scene for a while, then I go and stumble over THIS! Fantastic mate, truely brilliant!
The Cootie pageant is great! I wish it were televised.
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