I have long been an avid fan of Brazilian music-especially samba. Elza Soares has been a big name in Brasil for more than 40 years. She's got this great husky voice and trademark throaty growl that makes her music very identifiable. In an effort to do an illustration of a musician every now and then, I've decided to start with her-she's got a really interesting look - lots of plastic surgery over the years - with those catlike eyes and giant afro. If you're interested in checking her out, click here.
wow super cool love it
brilliant work, michael! little did i know that coming to your blog would cause an immediate amazon mp3 purchase. digging the tunes.
A home run again Michael. Great piece.
Lovin' the colors, the textures, and the overall design.
A great start to 2010.
Nice textures mate!
Great stuff and a very happy new year Michael! Your choice of colors and textures evokes the feel of her voice well!
she is sass all the way....you've captured her essence perfectly. love her voice and her face (in real life and in your illo) N I C E . . .
great illustration- i like it even more after seeing the video..
Great poster!!!
hey! thanks for passing by my blog! the yours is awesome.
thanks for the comments too! =)
have a successful year!!
Congratulations. . . es un blog genial, Felicidades, me agrada tu estilo.
Wow, wow wow. Love the outline of her dress and the funky fabric feel to the dress, hair and background. So cool.
This post is Great!!!!
I liked it!!!
I wish you a great 2010!!!!
congrats for your works!!!!!
Wow great illo. Thanks for introducing her to me I love Brazilian Jazz.
another killer piece! regarding my painting, the last one was meter by 1 meter... :)
Wow! This piece is great! I loved the video of her, she's indeed an awesome talent.
Happy New Year!
Preciosos trabajos!
Eres un gran artista!
Hi Michael!
For me it was a great surprise this blog!Simply amazing your work! I really liked!I'm a fan of Elza and her giant voice to many years and I love Brasilian music especially the Samba, I draw but I have relatives who are Samba musicians, and even a great singer and songwriter.
If you want to pass on my blog and see some Brazilian musicians I caricatures, The Elza is there and other musicians also.
Abraços do Brasil!
very well done michael! love everything about it. thanks for the link too man, that's some good stuff. always wanted to get into some Brazilian music
Aw, this is awesome Michael! Really nice work man...LOVE the colors and the graphic style you used. I love Samba too! Brazil has very rich musical roots. :D
Happy new year by the way, with lots of success to you! :)
Uauuuu ... show de bola.
Beautiful Art friend.
I'm a fan of his work.
Grateful for the visits and comments are of great importance to me.
great illustration Michael!
beautiful Michael :)
Love all of your new work !:) Super appealing.. and the jazz set rocks!
Love her! What great shapes and colours you used! Cant wait to see the next musician you do!
p,s, you, like jason curtis, owe us a portrait shot... a non cartoon one...! chop chop
Bravo! Bravo!
Very awesome and very cool!!!! Good luck to you in this interesting dances Sambaaaaa!!! :) Yohohooooo!;)
love the "retro style"
Excellent...Nice starting the year...!!
Hello Micheal, your recently posts are really AMAZING, I love the carcters and colours ! I wish you a happy 2010, and many works for all of us heheheeheheheh !! Sorry my failed english im not speack very well !!
Michael, that's wonderful, the girl looks great and you capture all latin details not only the colors and shapes but the lettering! Simply wow my friend.
So good!!! The mood is perfect.
Wow. She looks stunning, the video makes me drool over this illustration more:) The textures work really well!
Michael, another great illustration with nice shaping and color!
AMAZING POSTER! I’m sure she would LOVE to have it. Did you try to send it to her? May be she has a web or something like that where you can contact her. And yes, her voice is amazing!
Michael, I found your blog. Great work! I love the illustration. You captured our Elza so well.
Really nice work man...LOVE the colors and the graphic style you used.
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I'm brazilian and am very happy with your job! Elza is a great voice of brazilian music.
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