As days turned to weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, Carl eventually realized he would probably spend the rest of his life behind bars...
I have at least a half dozen other things I should be working on, but the Illustration Friday word "confined" inspired me to do this instead.
hah love the character in his face and the somber colour scheme. Nice use of the topic "confined".
"I know why the caged bird plays the blues harp"
Great piece... love the droopy eyes & feet & the hatch marks on the cage, & beautiful textures too.
love the mood you nailed with this one! Wow
Love how you push the ideas. Completely envious
haha! love those eyes...
Great job!
poignant sad and funny, great background
Poor Carl. I can almost hear the soulful sounds of his harmonica. I wish I could set him free.
I love the little scratches on the bottom of his cage indicating the time he's been behind bars.
Wonderful, wonderful piece here Michael. I'm loving the colors and the rough border...and of course, the bird is so well done (look at that expression, it's breaking my heart).
I think I hear the jail house blues on this one. Was this inspired due to cubical confinement? Love your illustration!
jailbird...i can dig it! ;o)
Great job
The character is very expressive and the combination of the colors makes the poor character look more sad.
Michael! This is positively FABULOUS! It's very inspiring. This is GREAT! AWESOME WORK!
Aaw poor Carl...singing the blues.
I really like this one ^_^!
Thanks for the conment. You've got some great work. I'm really liking the textures.
Wonderful piece!
what a sad litte guy..very nicely done. I can sense the mood ad amost smell the stuffiness... brilliant!
this was very worth pushing other work aside for! love the shadow from the cage and textures on the bird. but yea...I'm feeling sad for carl. i gotta go get to my "confined" illo...
This came out so good. I'm really feeling it.
I like this, very nice
Carl the canary needs to make a break for it next time the paper gets changed!! Love it!
I seriously chuckled when I first saw this and gets funnier the more I look at it. So awesome, although a little sad. I secretly think this what our bird at home feels like. We put on music for him during the day but he must be bored to tears in that cage. Another incredible illo.
Ciao Michael! A new beautiful illustration! Wonderful! :) Hugs
hahaha i really love this illustration!!!! congratulations michael!
Outstanding work. The harmonica is a really nice touch.
Very very nice!Your work is wonderfull!!!Tanks for your visit and comment!
*I sent an email to mrobo57@gmail.com with some curiosities about the samba.
niiiiiice michael! captured the mood wonderfully! awesome piece as always my friend
Cool character, cool idea, cool colors. Simply - cool!
The harmonica and his tick marks checking off the days makes this absolutely brilliant! Also, it expresses my views of birds in cages. It's the biggest tragedy to have wings, but not be allowed to fly!
I love his deeply set, worn out eyes (expression). It's perfectly presented..sad but not desperate. Poor Carl..though I'm glad he's got his harmonica. I agree..those tick marks are perfect. A super illustration, Michael!!! And your preivous illustration (Elza) is rockin' - such swagger in that pose! : ) Take care and glad to hear you're busy with work...that's great!
Hah! I love the harmonica and the muted color scheme. Perfect illo!
Oooh pooor thing!! Love the design and the texture!
oh yeah! this rocks, man! love love love the texture and colors in the background ... and the marks on the cage. and, oh yeah, the bird is great, too!
Hi Michael,
h this is beautiful man. I've been feeling a little blue myself - it' probably the bad weather - and i can really relate to moode in this piece! LOVE IT! :)
Feel sorry for Carl. Hope he'll come up with some soulful blues tunes with that harmonica.
This made me chuckle. great stuff.
hahahaha! i love your art ;)
he he he he heh he he he!!! I know why the Jail bird sings!! he he he! I'm so sorry. That was just wrong. This little guy is sooooo awesome and I just love the background. Totally awesome! Elza Soares is HOT!!!! I really love that piece! You are on a roll!
Well Michael, now you've done it. Your illustration has moved up to number one favorite! Great work. I love everything about this. The little subtleties are great like the harmonica and counting the days. Fantastic! Great mood too with the color selection! Yep, this is my fave of the week! Hey thanks for stopping by!
I completly agree with the previous comment. This is perfect in every way. Visiting your blog is always a real treat, fabulous work!
you push your design sensibilities in each and every piece, it's beautiful:)
i can hear the sad tune in it, wonderful
Hi Michael! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking time out to leave a lovely comment! I absolutley adore you're work!! You're illustration style is extremely fab!! can't wait to see more! :)
I love love love your blog‘s name
Excellent!!! This is one of my favorites ever. All is perfect: the back ground with the letters, the bird and the fabulous jail.
hahaha i love this illustration!!
Simply - cool! :D
Great take on the theme. Love the textures, color and especially the bored expression.
ha ha, poor bird, great illo!
Very nice and ver sad, poor Carl. Sometimes it´s better not to realize of nothing.
I like your style, very good work
Poor little guy
wow! fantastic work. I love the stle and graphic shapes. Very appealing and effective.
I love the sad expression of prisoner of bird. Greta work!
Very cool! Nice work on the Elza Soares image too, very stylish.
It's so sad... That means it's a good work, of course!
Brilliant idea! My dad should see this. He has one hanging by the kitchen. :(
Another great piece Michael!
You have a gorgeous style, and definitely an eye for composition and colors.
I really liked your blog, I'm sure I'll be dropping by more often!
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