When I saw the Illustration Friday word was "hollow", I thought of that old blues song "I'd rather drink muddy water, sleep out in a hollow log..." The original plan was to do an old blues raccoon sitting on a log, strumming his guitar and singing that song, but it's been a pretty crazy week for me . Instead, I had to settle on a quick and easy illustration of of a raccoon on a log. Kind of a cop out, i know, but I think I'll get around to doing my original idea fairly soon.
Great choice for this topic. Love all the texture and your retro style. Very nice!
The textures add just the right ammount of "roughness" to the image without being overpowering. Great interpretation of the topic!
Love the texture on the racoon!
I really enjoy seeing all your new work.
The texture on the Raccoon looks great! :)
Very cool... really great style too!
J'aime beaucoup ! Bravo !
These animnals are so weid. but your painting is the perfect idea for "hollow" i think... and it's really nice how it looks :)
Love this!!!
Very nice one Michael, will be more fun to see him with the guitar!
Beauty! I love how you handled his design.
The colours, the textures, the concept...it's all good Michael (as usual).
Raccoons are actually one of my favorite animals, so I like this piece even more because of that.
Another home run.
So sad but true I rather do the same hee hee hee hee!! This is ROCKING!!! Everything just works so well. I feel like I know this little dude. I crawled out from under my rock just to check on him hee hee he! This is wonderful. Thanks so much for stopping by. I really appreciate you taking time to do so. Have good one!
Great job, as always!
it is wonderful!
Wonderful character.
great illustration! What a wonderful style you have..
Hey Michael,
I love your style.
Keep up the great work!
I love the textures!
that is an easy + quick piece??? it would take me forever. gradient background tones are very very nice...
I too, wish my quick + easies looked this good. After cycling through Denmark and sleeping in a tent for 2.5 weeks, I can relate even more. Really nice work.
Wow!! very nice man
I like drawings of animals
VERY GOOOOD !! your animals are so beautifuls ! colors and textures perfects !! and thankyou very much for the kind words in my blog !!
I'm fan of your woks !! I love tham !!
sorry my failed english rsrsrs
saludos daqui de Brasil
I love it!
Great blog, amazing style and characters!!!
best i like your banner! really funny :o))
Really strong piece.
I love the texture and the way you handled the lettering. Gee, I love the whole thing!
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