This week's Illustration Friday word is "impatience" and let's face it, waiting in line for the porta-potty at an outdoor event can really try your patience, especially when there's not enough bathrooms to accommodate the crowd. I thought it would be kind of funny to illustrate this idea using dogs and a hydrant instead. I wanted to do a really long horizontal image to emphasize the amount of dogs waiting, but as I was working on it, I thought it was getting too difficult to see, due to it's length. I cropped the image mid-dog, but believe me, the line goes on forever, and they've been consuming lot's of beer. You'll definitely need to click this image to see it full size.
This is hysterical! I know about this type of impatience. I think we all have experienced it at one time or another.
Have a great evening and week ahead.
Love the concept and your interpretation. Very funny, indeed!
Funny! I love the designs of the dogs and the idea, super cute!
Those are some really great dogs! I love it!
Hilarious illustration Michael. Love the horizontal format emphasizing the queue and those varying degrees of impatience in their expressions. Although it's a limited palette, as opposed to your usual colorful one, it's wonderfully effective. Super!
Hehehe. This is a very funny one! :D
First, the idea is great to represent the impatience. It works perfectly with dogs. The "cinemascope" is a wonderful choice. You make an awesome scene. One of your best. Congratulations.
love it
You are right, your idea is so so funny !
I love it ;-)
ah they are lovely! i'm completely in love with... hm ALL of them!
What a wonderful concept and interpretation to this week's topic! I loved this one, very cute and funny!
love all these characters! pleased to have found a new blog to visit! :)
haha..nice!! I was wondering if you were gonna do this topic.
This is really good! I always enjoy you take on things.
As a concept, this is pure brilliance! It's one of those idea's that makes me wonder "why didn't I think of that!".
I looked at this piece for quite awhile, enjoying all the different characters. My favorite is the Bulldog, and I love the fact that one of the dogs is asleep, which gives the impression that the line is a slow moving one.
Outstanding Michael!
Beer and dogs.... an interesting combo. That is, unless the line is long for the loo!
Great work!
this is hilariously cute and fabulous.
FANTASTIC!! Great design and perfect interpretation of the theme! Love it.
Super illo! I love the design of the dogs and their expressions are so silly. I can relate. There is this great dane in my neighborhood that takes for ever on my fire hydrant. The Nerve!
Too doggone funny! I salute you.
Great concept and excellent work. Love the canine variety! You have an awesome style Michael.
Lovely art work!
The layout and palette work so well for your wonderful characters. Love the expressions, too! Great piece.
that's funny!!!!!
your job are very good!!!!
hilarious. i love each dogs face. my favorite is the first in line. looks like he's ready to take out the hydrant hog if he can't get in there right quick. anyway, another solid illustration as usual. also LOVE the lobster below!
Yes Cheryl said it best! this is hilarious and I couldn't get out of my poor little head the picture of people waiting to use the dang port-potty. I was at a wedding once and it was in the woods, and it was also very, very hot. There was a long line waiting for the thing. It was awful and I won't share with you all that happend, but let's just say your words brought back a memory he he hee hee! Needless to say, I hate them with a passion. Now on to more important things. i love these pups they are quite amazing as is all your wonderful work. these dude have such personality and it shows hee he hee! great work!
What a riot! This is hysterical Michael. Love it.
great! very nice dogs!
awesome stuff Micheal!
What a lovely design. Super!
Cool... very Funny!
Love this! Great designs on those wee Doggies.
haha!! I love this! great idea, and love your dog characters. But isn't it always the women who have to line up and the men just walk on in?
Michael, I present you a blog award in my blog.
Hahah, ya that looks familiar. Beer + long bathroom line ups = a trip to the nearest tree lol. Love your designs dude! Thanks for stopping by me blog :)
really love all your work, great blog
really love all your work, great blog
Thanks so much, Michael for your kind comments on my Illustration Friday piece. This is a great compliment coming from you.
Have a great day and weekend.
Awesome. You pulled this off much, much better than I did. Amazing work on your site. Love your style and designs, colors, etc.
What a hoot! I love the dogs waiting in line, and the look of relief on puppy #1 makes me laugh! Great illustration!
Thank you. I appreciate the link and the compliments. I just linked you on my Blog as well. Hope that is okay.
Ohh yes, we've all been in that line before. Not LITERALLY, of course.
hahahah freakin brillaint!
obrigado pelo comentario.
sempre passo por aqui para apreciar seu trabalho.
Would be nice maybe wrapped around a column?
how many lovely dogs! (and i absolutely feel with them...)
love the various shapes and sizes of all the dogs.
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