I'm still buried under a pile of projects, but there's finally light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to get back to visiting all my favorite blogs to see what you've all been up to. Until then, here's another little piece I did recently. It's pretty fitting, since it's done nothing but rain all spring, and I think we're all feeling a bit soaked. Bring on the sunshine!
Happy soaked :) Your idea make me smiley.
Here in Greece the sun is already shining! Your beautiful illo is refreshing!
Hooo!! Super nice!! And the yellow boots!! It's exactly the way children act when it is raining (contrarly to us adult who get all annoyed by rain)... something to learn here. Rain is a good thing! Love your humour and style.
Ggreat illustrations! Love the yellow boots!
yes the rain is driving me insane! awesome illo as always!
Love this illustration and love our style! :)
Let it rain I say if it's going to be this fantastic. Hey do you know where I can get a bubble umbrella like that??
He he he he! I love it! I totally hear you with work and all. Keep it moving Man.
Take care
Love this! Its so cute and it looks like rain again today....
Fantastic as always Michael!
he's great! love those boots!
Awesome! love the colors!
are those my yellow boots? at least he makes all this rain look fun!
super cute!!
Great colour combo!
This is great man! Love your style!
Lovely. Those Technicolor boots...reminds me of Singin' in the Rain!
This really makes me happy. Wonderful character and colors... love the highlights on the umbrella.
plz visit here
gotta love this Guy! What an attitude! Fun piece Michael! Your style is so cool. Those boots ROCK!
Very nice! I'd like to be in the street with this umbrella and the yellow boots, he, he...
He is so adorable! I just have to have his boots!
Very nice! great image.
Beautiful work (:
Like the typical expression and atmosphere of the picture good job.
Very charming! Great shapes and design.
Ditto on the buried— but it's always good to have the phone ringing than staring at it waiting for it to ring...
Good grief when are we going to get out of this rain?!! You're not dealing with an flooding or tornado damages are you?
Hope all is well in the land of AG— heard about the big move, as it were...
Beautiful piece, lovely colors!
Love the little guy! Rain can be great when you're brolly is as cool as his!
Omigosh! I am LOVING this! Love everything about it :) (I know...it's been raining a lot here, too. But this week, it's been hottern than BLAZES!) Love this :)
Good to see I'm not the only one buried. That's a good thing, right? Or at least that's what I tell myself. Ha. Wonderful illustration, as usual! Love the palette on this one. And that big rainy day smile, of course.
great colors on the umbrella!
And those birthday cards are fabulous :)
Hey Michael, how are you my friend?
Oh yeah, I'm a little tired of rain as well :P
Beautiful illustration as always... he's so cuteee! :)
Portugal says hello!
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